Ambassadorship Ministries (Missions)

Ambassadorship ministries are our ministries of evangelism and missions. 2 Corinthians 5:20 calls believers ambassadors. It is our privilege to be the representatives of Christ in a lost and dying world that needs to hear of reconciliation with God through Christ Jesus.
Our Ambassadorship ministry includes:
Evangelism Training
Developing our people for the effective proclamation of the Word. This is a Sunday morning elective class taught throughout the year.
Door to Door
Serving the communities of West Covina, Irwindale, and Baldwin Park, our purpose is to engage our neighbors in considering the truth of the gospel.
Short-term Missions Trips
Taking the initiative to share the gospel of Jesus Christ on a short-term mission trip to countries such as Argentina, Uganda, Ecuador, and Russia; helping strengthen and encourage indigenous churches.
Pastoral Training
Christ Community Church is committed to training indigenous church leaders, pastors, and elders; to equip their churches to make disciples (2 Tim. 2:2) and plant new churches. Our elders have partnered with pastors in Myanmar, Uganda, Russia, and more.
CARE Team: Christian Aid, Response, and Evangelism
The CARE Team, while not “first responders,” consists of believers in Jesus Christ who partner with a local church or Christian organization, such as “Eight Days of Hope,” to bring relief in a time of need, in order to have opportunities to share the gospel.
Prison/Jail Ministry
Christ called us to serve others including those in prison (Matthew 25:36). Our desire is to bring the gospel to those incarcerated at several prison/jail facilities in Southern California. By allowing God to work through us, our hope is that lives are changed, repentance is sought, and forgiveness is given. We minister to the lost and strengthen those that have come to saving grace in the local prison.