Church Membership:

Meaningful or Meaningless?

How do you determine someone’s passionate love for the church of Jesus Christ? Not the body of Christ universal, but the local body that regularly assembles together. When the Bible refers to the church, 90 times out of 117, it is speaking specifically of the local body of believers. Christ is the head of the church (Col. 1:18). Acts 20:28 tells us that He shed His blood for the church. Eph. 5:25-32 tells us that He washes, purifies, cleanses, nourishes and cherishes the church. Heb. 6:19-20 and 7:25 tells us that at this very moment, Christ is in heaven interceding on behalf of the church before the Throne of Grace. These Scriptures help us to understand God’s passionate love for the church. The question remains: How much do you love the church of Jesus Christ?