June 25, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Selected Scripture | Lance Sparks
Series: The Church: Its Meaning, Mission, and Ministry
June 21, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Psalm 22 | Bruce MacLean
Series: Guest Speakers
June 18, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
June 14, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Psalm 11 | Bruce MacLean
June 11, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
June 4, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1:13-17 | Chris Fritz
May 31, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Job | Lance Sparks
Series: Job: The Sovereignty of God in the Suffering of Man
May 28, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:22-25 | Lance Sparks
Series: Hebrews
May 24, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Job 42 | Lance Sparks
May 21, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Hebrews 13 | Lance Sparks