August 9, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Psalm 63 | Bruce MacLean
Series: Guest Speakers
August 6, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Selected Scripture | Tom Mason
July 30, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
Bible Text: Selected Scripture | Lance Sparks
Series: The Church: Its Meaning, Mission, and Ministry
July 23, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
July 19, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
July 16, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
July 9, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
July 5, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Psalm 56 | Bruce MacLean
July 2, 2023 (Sunday Morning)
June 28, 2023 (Wednesday Evening)
Bible Text: Psalm 50 | Bruce MacLean